About Us
My love and longing for travel and luxury fashion has inspired me to create a company that makes luxury fashion accessible for anyone who shares the same passion I do!
Wanderlux style provides an exclusive, accessible, and sustainable short term rental (or option of purchase) experience of luxury fashion and accessories.
My infatuation with fashion and clothing started from a very young age, and that infatuation continues to this day. I have spent thousands of dollars, plane rides, train rides, and beach days perusing fashion mags, drooling over all of the luxury brands and items that I never thought I’d ever have access to.
Then, Covid hit, I was about to become an empty nester, I lost my corporate job and spent months doing some soul searching and figuring out what I really WANTED to do. I decided I had to follow my passion for fashion and thus, Wanderlux was born…
My vision is to create a space that gives you access to luxury fashion and accessories that you may never have dreamed possible without the thousand dollar price tag, worry of closet space, dry cleaning costs, and waste. It’s a sustainable short term rental experience providing access to exclusive luxury brands that encompasses all races, genders and body types.